Thursday, September 1, 2011

"I went natural because..." Vol. 4

Nat0526 says:

lotsalocs87 says:

@yeslioness1 wrote:

I went natural in the 11th grade because once I became aware of my African Cultural heritage (through books like the Autobiography of Malcolm X) and realized that my own hair in it's natural state was better than any other hair that I could wear. I really appreciated it much more and I wanted to make a statement that to let people know how proud I was to be Black and how beautiful my God-Given African hair is!

@tonidaley wrote:

I went natural by accident....I got caught up in the 90's! Brandy, Patra, Janet Jackson in poetic justice, Brownstone. They inspired the look that I rocked for 2 full years....braids! Why I stayed natural though....was what happened after I got tired of the braids. I took them out and fell in love with my hair :)

@kelzmania wrote:
I went natural because it was time for a change and a new look ... I was inspired by the beautiful natural women on YouTube !!! So I did the big chop!! :) plus my processed hair was damaged !!

Sandi wrote:
I went natural for a couple of reasons. I had spent my entire life hating my hair for not being "beautiful". The last time I remembered loving my hair, I was 7 and had an "Angela Davis" style Afro. My parents then began to process my hair and it was ALWAYS breaking off, thinning, and I was miserable. The second reason was an off shoot from the first - I was tired of chasing after someone else's idea of beauty. So I went back to the time when I last loved my hair - all natural. I love my locs - I love natural hair. My joy, strength, energies and my crowning glory locs truly make me smile inside and out.

@NikkiMo75 wrote:
I went natural because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired with the condition of my over processed, damaged, broken off hair.  Although I was tired with the way my hair looked, I was still scared to cut the relaxer out.  Since I was not confident in how I would look with my hair in its natural state, it took me 2 years to actually do the “Big Chop”.
I had been wearing my hair in braids for about a year until I decided what I wanted to do next.  In September 2001 I took down a set of braids. My hair was so damaged I cried...hard.  Although I was upset, I could not bring myself to relax nor braid my hair again.  My hair was begging for a serious break and so was my self esteem.  I got myself together and headed to the barber shop and cut my hair....Just like that. When the barber was finished I could not believe my eyes.  Although this was not the first time that I have cut my hair off, it was the first time that I didn’t relax, texturize or add some crazy color to my hair.  It was just me...chemically free me as beautiful as I can be.  

Deanna wrote:

I went natural because its what my spirit lead me to do. Even as a young child never liked getting my hair pressed I just never felt like me. Since I took the jump to being natural, several years before locing, Ive just felt more like well Deanna the goddess that I am!

Robin wrote:

I went natural because I was encouraged by my friend/stylist of 17 yrs, who did my hair before locking, before going natural. He was one of the best! He suggested that I go natural in 2005. I love him for this and appreciate the guidance that he is giving me from heaven. I love & miss you Robert!!!

@SoulJor wrote:
 I went natural because it's what I always wanted. I never enjoyed killing my hair with relaxers, but as a child my mother and her European view of beauty, over-ruled my desires. She told me as long as I was living under her roof, my hair would be "tamed". My last relaxer was in my senior year of high school. I cut all my relaxed ends off while listening to to tupac (lol) and rocked the fro for a couple of years in college. Soon after I loc'd up, and have been for the past 3 years. basically I wanted to be natural, because it is who I am, it is beautiful and its healthy. all positive. I love my natural hair, loose and loc'd and I'll NEVER relax it again!

Pheonix Von Phire wrote:
I went natural because it was cheap. I was in college, away from my mom and sisters (who always did my relaxers for me..I was never good at giving them to myself) and one day I was like fuck it. I don't have money for a new box of relaxer, its been 3 months already and I'm growing this shit out! Nothing deep or spiritual behind my decision. I did not realize at the time I would be embarking on one of the greatest journeys of self discovery that I would ever travel!

As usual, thanks to all that participated! If you do not see your entry in this installment, look forward to it next Thursday! 
Jahlicia <3


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