Monday, November 14, 2011

Jahlicia After Dark

Hey Lovers,

Miss me? hmmm, side eye if you didn't. Lol! Anywho, I had been posting for quite some time that I wanted to start a sex series on my channel/blog and I finally got the time to sit down and plan out how I wanted to do it.

Now presenting "Jahlicia After Dark" where I answer sex questions, discuss sex related topics as well as cut up and act a fool, as usual!

For my initial episode, I received some anonymous questions that I decided to bust this segment open with, so without further ado, lets get it in!

So, what do you think? Did I make you blush? If so, ch...get used to it cause this is how I do, Boo Boo! Ha!!

Now, if you have some questions that you would like for me to answer and discuss, feel free to message me either via YouTube or email me directly at:

Hugs and I promise not to be gone so long next time!

Jahlicia <3

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Makeup & Earring Haul + DIY Project

Hey Lovers,

Yep, I been shopping! Not a costly shopping spree, but fun non the less! I just love makeup and earrings so what better therapy than that! I decided to show the items I got so feel free to check em out!

Also, I call myself doing a lil DIY experiment on pressing loose pigments using alcohol, glycerin and a stirrer so check out the finished products and let me know what you think. Like I said, I give myself 65& win, 35% fail based on the outcome. Trust me, you will see why! Ha!

I was asked a couple times already, so as soon as I get my hands on some more loose pigments, cause you KNOW ya gurl pressed every loose pigment she owned and a few she didn't own O.O, I will make a tut so you can see. Okay? Okay!

Now, on with the haul :0)

Hope you enjoy!

Jahlicia <3

Stop Playing with Karma

Hey Lovers,

Who believes in Karma?

Well, if you don't, you should because it is as real as the nose on your face! I firmly believe in Karma and have seen and felt its force in living color. Couple shots of that will surely get you on the straight and narrow...well, unless you like suffering. O.O

I had been hearing stories all around me of people putting things in motion in their lives and then wondering why they feel like life is kicking their asses for no reason. Hmmm, think about all the negative thoughts, words and actions and then you tell me. Karma is a bitch, huh? Yep, she is!!

I decided to touch on this topic and would love for you to share any feedback on this topic. Each 1 Teach 1 :0)

Jahlicia <3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Who are YOU living for?

Hey Lovers,

I have gotten a few questions on this topic and decided to make a video sharing my take on living life for others. I could type on and on about stories just from my own life where in hindsight, I did things I wasn't doing for me. I felt compelled to share.

The way to change this behavior is to make a decision to make your OWN choices and do things that YOU want to do, as opposed to others ideas of who and how you should be.

Once you remove other peoples hand off of your life, you will truly be able to feel GOD's hand and ensure that you are being guided by the creator.

So, care to share any situations where you realized it wasn't YOU in control? Feel free to do so.

I love you guys and want all of us to start living our lives to the fullest and not in fear of what others may think!

Jahlicia <3