Miss me? hmmm, side eye if you didn't. Lol! Anywho, I had been posting for quite some time that I wanted to start a sex series on my channel/blog and I finally got the time to sit down and plan out how I wanted to do it.
Now presenting "Jahlicia After Dark" where I answer sex questions, discuss sex related topics as well as cut up and act a fool, as usual!
For my initial episode, I received some anonymous questions that I decided to bust this segment open with, so without further ado, lets get it in!
So, what do you think? Did I make you blush? If so, ch...get used to it cause this is how I do, Boo Boo! Ha!!
Now, if you have some questions that you would like for me to answer and discuss, feel free to message me either via YouTube or email me directly at: lovejahlicia@gmail.com
Hugs and I promise not to be gone so long next time!
Jahlicia <3